The day after Remembrance Day. Em and I were thinking over how we wish the younger generations cared more about stuff like that. I love hearing stories about the war. My granddad was a tail gunner - I think that's pretty darn cool. Jeremy's grandpa (who is still alive), lost his finger in the war! And he used to have to stay up for a week straight on duty! They would take 20 minute sleep breaks while the other would watch, and then they would switch up. They did that for days and days. It's mind boggling, really.
And most of the veterans aren't going to be around for very much longer. Think about it. The world wars are getting farther and farther back in history. It's so sad to imagine that soon we won't have the stories they have to offer; however, if people really started caring, this could be combatted and the stories could be shared.
Anyway. We went out for Mexican food last night because we were jonesing. The debit machine was broken though, so I had to use my credit card. It was a really ghetto, old-school credit machine though. I had to write the amount in by hand. I rounded the price to give a tip, but Em said it was way too low. By then it was too late and I panicked, and the only way to fix the problem was to turn the 0 into a 6. That, my friends, is the way to leave an $8 tip on a $10 meal. Haha! It was fine though. He was a good waiter, and Em and I got a good laugh out of it.
One last thing;
I was looking at one of those 'screw you autocorrect' pages this morning, and one of them made me laugh until I had tears running down my face. It was embarrassing, how hard I was laughing. The phrase was 'wawa skittletits.'
See? It's not even that funny.
But man, did I ever laugh for a long time.
- Meds
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