Thursday, 14 November 2013

No Impact challenge

So I write to you in need for your help. Help in cleaning up your environment, they place which we all live, and making it more sustainable. I'm writing with the assumption that you all do your part in cutting back on carbon within your homes, such as turning off lights when you leave the room, and not heating rooms you are not in them. You should also be cutting back on your driving and trying to eat sustainable foods. Now again this is just an assumption, a dream, something that I wish all of society would be able to do.

But now that it is just a life style why don't you actually take a risk and try this challenge call the No Impact Project. A one-week carbon cleanse that helps to point out the modern conveniences that we all take for granted and see if they are actually things that make you happy or just useless money consuming materials. It can be very easy for some or very challenging for others, but it is something we should all do to get a better understanding of our surroundings, and to fix bad habits we may have. You can sign up through the website or you can just try to do it on your own.

Basically it is one week where each day you add one more challenge. For instance the first one is no money, or no unnecessary purchases. The next day may be to eat sustainable food. By the third day you are spending no money, eating sustainable food, and producing no waste! The list goes on for a week. For people that may struggle with this challenge they can cut corners by giving back to the environment. Such as picking up waste in a school park when you have to drive your car, or doing a favor for your neighbor if you decide to eat out.

It is all within your control. I challenge everyone to take this challenge and to see how it could potentially change your life! By doing this challenge once a month, every month of the year, you are reducing your waste, carbon intake, money, and in general, impact on the environment by 25% a year!

Think about that!

I hope to be reading all your no impact project stories through !

party on wayne. Luv em

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