Saturday, 30 November 2013
Monday, 25 November 2013
tree planting and street dancing
Sometimes I feel as though my brain is getting cluttered, like I need to just find some common ground to bring me back into reality. Often I'll run, but lately I've been so sick, any physical exercise really just wipes me out. I started looking through my photo's from the summer and stumbled across some videos I had from tree planting. They reminded me of all the great times I had with these fantastic people and how we could make the best out of everything. For instance, dancing instead of walking in the middle of downtown Penticton. Or making the best of our days off, going to open mic and listening to the elderly folk play the accordion. Days that you hope you will never forget. Hanging out on the lake by the cabin, enjoying the sun and reading a book.
the simplicity of it all.
the simplicity of it all.
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Why we have no Followers?!?!
This is Em. This is Me. This is also my thinking cap.
Why don't we have followers?? There has to be other bloggers out there.
What "ResLife" is Actually About.
The time always seems to come where you need your friends to back you up. And don't deny but it happens to everyone, whether it's a fight, or a test you need to study for, or getting a ride some where, we all eventually need our friends to back us up.
But when you live on residence it's a different story. Having you're friends "get your back" turns into having the people around you cause "Drama". Claws out ready to roar. But then one story turns into another, one person says this, you hear that, next thing you know you agree with someone and therefore you disagree with the other person. Honestly it seems ridiculous. You agree with one thing and disagree with another but you hear a different story and you had it all wrong. Residence is a different world and just you wait, next time you think you're doing someone a favor you're actually causing some sort of crazy drama that will come back around to you.
Budding out seems like a good plan until it bites you in the ass for not sticking up for your buddies. So where do you draw the line? Between causing a ruckus and causing drama? Telling someone they did alright or tell em their nuts? Who really knows.
Basically as jumbled as this post.
But when you live on residence it's a different story. Having you're friends "get your back" turns into having the people around you cause "Drama". Claws out ready to roar. But then one story turns into another, one person says this, you hear that, next thing you know you agree with someone and therefore you disagree with the other person. Honestly it seems ridiculous. You agree with one thing and disagree with another but you hear a different story and you had it all wrong. Residence is a different world and just you wait, next time you think you're doing someone a favor you're actually causing some sort of crazy drama that will come back around to you.
Budding out seems like a good plan until it bites you in the ass for not sticking up for your buddies. So where do you draw the line? Between causing a ruckus and causing drama? Telling someone they did alright or tell em their nuts? Who really knows.
Basically as jumbled as this post.
party on wayne.
luv em.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Today I was playing with the seal for my orange juice, and I got it stuck on my finger. It's been on there all morning, and I've even taken a shower. It's stuck, and it's too tight against the skin to cut off. Sometimes I laugh at myself.
This morning I woke up early to proof-read one of Jeremy's papers!
Also, my Ebay mail came in!! I'm so excited!! I love Christmas!
Em is sick and the hospital told her to basically quarantine herself. I told her to try and not be offended if I avoid her a little bit. Not completely avoid her. I mean, c'mon. I'm not totally heartless.
We text.
I finally got groceries and can now eat! I think a celebratory wrap is in order for lunch.
- Meds
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
More Postin'
See? Look at me! I'm doing good!
Right now I'm waiting on ice cream/fast food road-trip. But for this to happen, the girl with the vehicle has to be done her homework. It's feeling like a long time. I just really, really want some ice cream.
Since I last said I need groceries, I still haven't gone shopping. It's not that I don't have money. It's that I don't have wheels. It's getting really slim in there. Pretty dry.
I just saw a guy in a bright yellow onezie with ears on it go by the window.
So there you go.
- Meds
Monday, 18 November 2013
Droppin' the Blogger Ball
I'm really sucking at this whole 'post everyday' thing. It's the thought that counts though, right (or lack thereof)?
I just made myself a cold pasta salad with: sprouted lentils; peas; parmesan oregano dressing; and dried, sprouted quinoa. I'm going to take my sustenance and lock myself in a homework-happy area,then not come out for a long time.
On Saturday night Jeremy and I put in seven pretty solid hours (maybe six and a half) of homework, and I still felt like I didn't do anything. Then yesterday morning and afternoon I sat on my bed with my work in front of me for three and a half hours. I wrote one definition in that entire time. I don't even know what I was doing! I wasn't on Facebook or Instagram. I think I was literally just sitting there. Ahh well. What're ya gonna do?
I've written two of my five 10-page papers for this month, and another is mostly finished. I'm going to clock in a lot of time today and hopefully get that one polished off as well. I'm pretty thankful that I don't have to pull all-nighters anytime soon, like Jeremy. Poor guy. I just made myself a cold pasta salad with: sprouted lentils; peas; parmesan oregano dressing; and dried, sprouted quinoa. I'm going to take my sustenance and lock myself in a homework-happy area,then not come out for a long time.
A friend from my program and I went to her house last week and put in a healthy four hours doing a project, and we got it half done. It was videos, so we still have to edit both of our clips, but I think the editing will come pretty easily. It was actually a pretty difficult project to do! We each had to make a 20-30 minute video of us exhibiting our 'active listening skills.' So basically, we were counselling each other for twenty-five minute segments. It was really cool to be in a real-live house again, though. She even had a fireplace. We do have a third partner in our group, but she didn't show up at the meeting place. My friend and I waited around for about twenty minutes, then made an executive decision to ditch so that we could get our stuff done. Don't worry, we'll make sure she gets her video done as well.
I made a new regime for myself, in that I will only buy one jug of milk per week. I can polish off a 2 litre in two days without trouble, and that's just unacceptable. I managed to make it this week with only buying one, but I've been milkless for about five days now. It's rough. I just want some cereal or Mac N' Cheese.
I have to go check the mail, too! I'm waiting for my first ever Ebay purchase! Oh boy, Christmas gift! I think I like giving almost more than I like receiving. Don't get me wrong; receiving is pretty neat as well, but there's something deeply awesome about spending a bunch of time thinking about someone and what they might like to get. I don't know - Maybe I'm just a sucker. But oh boy!!
Last night I went out for pho with Jeremy and some of his family! It was pho'ntastic. Ha. Then afterwards we all went back and had wine, good stories, and heaps of laughs. And there was honey mead! It was basically fantastic. We were all big fans.
Okay - I think that's just about enough from me for now. Get thee to the homeworkery.
- Meds
Thursday, 14 November 2013
No Impact challenge
So I write to you in need for your help. Help in cleaning up your environment, they place which we all live, and making it more sustainable. I'm writing with the assumption that you all do your part in cutting back on carbon within your homes, such as turning off lights when you leave the room, and not heating rooms you are not in them. You should also be cutting back on your driving and trying to eat sustainable foods. Now again this is just an assumption, a dream, something that I wish all of society would be able to do.
But now that it is just a life style why don't you actually take a risk and try this challenge call the No Impact Project. A one-week carbon cleanse that helps to point out the modern conveniences that we all take for granted and see if they are actually things that make you happy or just useless money consuming materials. It can be very easy for some or very challenging for others, but it is something we should all do to get a better understanding of our surroundings, and to fix bad habits we may have. You can sign up through the website or you can just try to do it on your own.
Basically it is one week where each day you add one more challenge. For instance the first one is no money, or no unnecessary purchases. The next day may be to eat sustainable food. By the third day you are spending no money, eating sustainable food, and producing no waste! The list goes on for a week. For people that may struggle with this challenge they can cut corners by giving back to the environment. Such as picking up waste in a school park when you have to drive your car, or doing a favor for your neighbor if you decide to eat out.
It is all within your control. I challenge everyone to take this challenge and to see how it could potentially change your life! By doing this challenge once a month, every month of the year, you are reducing your waste, carbon intake, money, and in general, impact on the environment by 25% a year!
Think about that!
I hope to be reading all your no impact project stories through !
But now that it is just a life style why don't you actually take a risk and try this challenge call the No Impact Project. A one-week carbon cleanse that helps to point out the modern conveniences that we all take for granted and see if they are actually things that make you happy or just useless money consuming materials. It can be very easy for some or very challenging for others, but it is something we should all do to get a better understanding of our surroundings, and to fix bad habits we may have. You can sign up through the website or you can just try to do it on your own.
Basically it is one week where each day you add one more challenge. For instance the first one is no money, or no unnecessary purchases. The next day may be to eat sustainable food. By the third day you are spending no money, eating sustainable food, and producing no waste! The list goes on for a week. For people that may struggle with this challenge they can cut corners by giving back to the environment. Such as picking up waste in a school park when you have to drive your car, or doing a favor for your neighbor if you decide to eat out.
It is all within your control. I challenge everyone to take this challenge and to see how it could potentially change your life! By doing this challenge once a month, every month of the year, you are reducing your waste, carbon intake, money, and in general, impact on the environment by 25% a year!
Think about that!
I hope to be reading all your no impact project stories through !
party on wayne. Luv em
Time To Shred Big White
I am absolutely thrilled to be announcing my departure tomorrow morning for BIG WHITE! My long but not lost love for riding the pow pow will be quenched on Saturday morning at 9 am when they open the lifts for the first time in the 2013/2014 season. Even though I'm 7 hours away this honey badger gives no shits! Carpool, ride share, hitch hike, whatever way it is that's needed to get there I'll be there. Literally up all night to start riding. No sexual innuendos implied.
party on wayne.
luv em
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Remembrance Day
The day after Remembrance Day. Em and I were thinking over how we wish the younger generations cared more about stuff like that. I love hearing stories about the war. My granddad was a tail gunner - I think that's pretty darn cool. Jeremy's grandpa (who is still alive), lost his finger in the war! And he used to have to stay up for a week straight on duty! They would take 20 minute sleep breaks while the other would watch, and then they would switch up. They did that for days and days. It's mind boggling, really.
And most of the veterans aren't going to be around for very much longer. Think about it. The world wars are getting farther and farther back in history. It's so sad to imagine that soon we won't have the stories they have to offer; however, if people really started caring, this could be combatted and the stories could be shared.
Anyway. We went out for Mexican food last night because we were jonesing. The debit machine was broken though, so I had to use my credit card. It was a really ghetto, old-school credit machine though. I had to write the amount in by hand. I rounded the price to give a tip, but Em said it was way too low. By then it was too late and I panicked, and the only way to fix the problem was to turn the 0 into a 6. That, my friends, is the way to leave an $8 tip on a $10 meal. Haha! It was fine though. He was a good waiter, and Em and I got a good laugh out of it.
One last thing;
I was looking at one of those 'screw you autocorrect' pages this morning, and one of them made me laugh until I had tears running down my face. It was embarrassing, how hard I was laughing. The phrase was 'wawa skittletits.'
See? It's not even that funny.
But man, did I ever laugh for a long time.
- Meds
Monday, 11 November 2013
Natural Hippy to Society forming Hipster
The first step of a good story is understanding the back ground of said story teller. Recently I've been reading past journals written by former me. It helps me see myself during certain emotional battles, or lets me see a change in writing style. I've just recently started reading the entries I wrote not long ago when I was still planting trees and living in a way that would make most city folk cringe. My biggest topic was always - how many trees have I planted today, what was the weather like, what was work like, I'm tired. But then I got to my days off and I started seeing a pattern, I started to re see how I saw it then, work hard and play hard.
I knew how to put in a hard days work and I gave myself a bonus when I was willing to work for it. It was a lifestyle I came to love. Along the way I met people that were both motivating and inspirational. I met people that helped me see the world from a better angle. Not complex, or through some sort of metaphor, but just the way that it came.
on July 6, 2013 I wrote,
And here I am. In what feels like the most beautiful place in the world. By this point I've seen the tourist attractions, I've seen historic buildings, but the one thing that gets me every time--- is this. This beautiful planet with all the things that were here before man even knew about them. Before man could change them.
These are the words that I wrote! Words that really mean something, and the best thought process I can come up with now is...
uuuhhh, did I feed the fish this morning? Did I print off that last assignment?
It bombards me. How could I have lived so simple before, and now I can barely leave my phone alone for a minute. It's society. The people around you. People that you spend the most time with will affect you the most. And hey it's not a bad thing. Just sometimes you have to re learn what you once knew, and make sure you come back to those things that meant a lot to you before. Instead of caring so much about what you look like, start caring about real things that actually make you happy.
party on wayne. Love Em.
I knew how to put in a hard days work and I gave myself a bonus when I was willing to work for it. It was a lifestyle I came to love. Along the way I met people that were both motivating and inspirational. I met people that helped me see the world from a better angle. Not complex, or through some sort of metaphor, but just the way that it came.
on July 6, 2013 I wrote,
And here I am. In what feels like the most beautiful place in the world. By this point I've seen the tourist attractions, I've seen historic buildings, but the one thing that gets me every time--- is this. This beautiful planet with all the things that were here before man even knew about them. Before man could change them.
These are the words that I wrote! Words that really mean something, and the best thought process I can come up with now is...
uuuhhh, did I feed the fish this morning? Did I print off that last assignment?
It bombards me. How could I have lived so simple before, and now I can barely leave my phone alone for a minute. It's society. The people around you. People that you spend the most time with will affect you the most. And hey it's not a bad thing. Just sometimes you have to re learn what you once knew, and make sure you come back to those things that meant a lot to you before. Instead of caring so much about what you look like, start caring about real things that actually make you happy.
party on wayne. Love Em.
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Saturday, 2 November 2013
I don't wanna say it's crunch time, but I definitely have three 10 page papers due next week.
I'm almost done the one due for Monday, though! Holler.
Em and I and our homework retreated to the first floor common room, because third was very loud.
I like first floor. They're good people.
- The forever Meds
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