Tuesday, 31 December 2013


Abbotsford today!

Last night as I was falling asleep, I wondered if the plumber who had come to our house earlier had copied our key and was going to come kill us in the night. I realized it was silly and fell asleep, but when the housing co-op's main gate alarm went off twice in a row and woke me up, it didn't help. The second time I woke up it was only half-waking up, and one of the shadows right in front of my face looked like a face. What a thrill!

Anyway - lately I've been having some weird dreams. I dreamt I was really wanting to date this sea-lion, but I was really nervous about bringing him home, because I thought my parent's wouldn't like him. Then I dreamt that Jeremy and I had to swim around underwater in the Caribbean looking for a lost medallion; I could breathe under water because of a recessive trait on my mum's side, but Jer couldn't and he was really jealous.

Did I mention Abbotsford today?


Sunday, 29 December 2013

Shoulder Qualms

I'm not a baby - but my shoulder has been acting silly lately. I first noticed it during my second watching of the Hobbit. I blame all the muscles I was tensing in the excitement of it all. Anyway, I tried wrapping it with a tensor bandage because I wanted to look more hurt than I really was and run around the house imagining I was in a war or something, but in the end I just cut off the circulation to the rest of my arm, which then turned purple and tingly. 
I was doing a puzzle with my mum just now, but I had to take a break. For one, stretching over the table was hurting my arm, and for another, doing puzzles makes me want to yell and smash stuff more than anything else I do, ever. I hate and love puzzles. I love to hate them.

I go to Jer's for New Year's Eve--but let me just say, the visit feels like way longer than two days away. I don't know if I'll make it till then!
(I'll probably make it)
(no promises)

The starlings have started coming to the little bird feeder that my parents have outside the house in the front yard, and that's not good news. Starlings are rude, loud, and greedy. I've taken it upon myself to make sure they don't come around. At first, we would just open the door really fast and scare them away, but they were getting more ballsy and starting to not care about the door. I saw some starlings, so I gathered my artillery.
I threw open the door and he flew into the trees but stayed there, so I hucked a shoe at him. There was a branch directly in front, lucky for him, but he still flew off pretty quickly. He hasn't been back, either! Hooray for Meadow!

I hung out downtown with a friend yesterday! I spent a gift card I had, and then we just bummed around and people-watched. My phone almost died though, and I didn't really know how to get home. That was exciting. Needless to say I made it, and not even the beedy-eyed, in-my-personal-space, off-tune-guitar-playing-and-singing homeless man could stop me.
I'm the public transit queen.
- Meds

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas Eve!

My friend Daniel and I got in from Calgary on the Greyhound bus at 10:30 PM last night! We boarded the bus at 8:00 AM. It was a long day. By the end we both went a little bit insane, and spent the last two hours of the bus ride changing every song we could think of into 'bus'. Some of these songs included, but were certainly not limited to; 'Don't you wish your bus was hot like mine?' 'I believe in bus... since you came along! You sexy bus!' and, 'do you believe in life after bus?!'
I'm relatively positive everybody on the bus wanted to kill us.

It's Christmas Eve! I'm sporting a toque and some warm boots, and my family and I are about to go buy some more wrapping paper and tape! Then we're coming back to ice some sugar cookies I made, make apple pie, wrap presents in the confines of our own rooms, and watch Christmas movies! Also I think my dad will be fixing our toilet some time during the day.
Tomorrow we're heading to my dad's side of the family for Christmas with them! It's always a fun time.

I'm hungry.
What else is new?
- Meds

Thursday, 12 December 2013


I made it home. After a late night and an early wake up, Jeremy got me onto the 7:45 AM ferry. I passed out face down on the carpet of the boat for most of the ride. When I woke up we were close to the Mainland, so I sat up in my chair to wait it out. Next thing I knew I was waking up once again to the intercom telling all foot passengers to get off of the boat.

Later in the evening I found myself on a bus going to White Rock for a little Christmas party. I passed out on the bus as well, and woke up just in time. After festivities and eating my weight in party food, I got on a different bus and came home. I passed out on that one, too. On the Skytrain I fought sleep as hard as I could, and only nodded off once.

The birds at my parents' new house are very busy. They're outside right now, being greedy with the seed. Pretty cute, too.

Anyway, my back hurts and my tummy is full! I'm about to head out with the parents for a typical Spurr adventure (I.E. getting lost and/or wreaking havoc in a mall).

- Meds

Saturday, 30 November 2013


Laundry and hockey with the boys today! Possible studying too :)

Monday, 25 November 2013

tree planting and street dancing

Sometimes I feel as though my brain is getting cluttered, like I need to just find some common ground to bring me back into reality. Often I'll run, but lately I've been so sick, any physical exercise really just wipes me out. I started looking through my photo's from the summer and stumbled across some videos I had from tree planting. They reminded me of all the great times I had with these fantastic people and how we could make the best out of everything. For instance, dancing instead of walking in the middle of downtown Penticton. Or making the best of our days off, going to open mic and listening to the elderly folk play the accordion. Days that you hope you will never forget. Hanging out on the lake by the cabin, enjoying the sun and reading a book.

the simplicity of it all.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Why we have no Followers?!?!

This is Em. This is Me. This is also my thinking cap.

Why don't we have followers?? There has to be other bloggers out there. 


What "ResLife" is Actually About.

The time always seems to come where you need your friends to back you up. And don't deny but it happens to everyone, whether it's a fight, or a test you need to study for, or getting a ride some where, we all eventually need our friends to back us up. 

But when you live on residence it's a different story. Having you're friends "get your back" turns into having the people around you cause "Drama". Claws out ready to roar. But then one story turns into another, one person says this, you hear that, next thing you know you agree with someone and therefore you disagree with the other person. Honestly it seems ridiculous. You agree with one thing and disagree with another but you hear a different story and you had it all wrong. Residence is a different world and just you wait, next time you think you're doing someone a favor you're actually causing some sort of crazy drama that will come back around to you. 

Budding out seems like a good plan until it bites you in the ass for not sticking up for your buddies. So where do you draw the line? Between causing a ruckus and causing drama? Telling someone they did alright or tell em their nuts? Who really knows.


Basically as jumbled as this post.

party on wayne.

luv em.

Thursday, 21 November 2013


Today I was playing with the seal for my orange juice, and I got it stuck on my finger. It's been on there all morning, and I've even taken a shower. It's stuck, and it's too tight against the skin to cut off. Sometimes I laugh at myself.
This morning I woke up early to proof-read one of Jeremy's papers!
Also, my Ebay mail came in!! I'm so excited!! I love Christmas!
Em is sick and the hospital told her to basically quarantine herself. I told her to try and not be offended if I avoid her a little bit. Not completely avoid her. I mean, c'mon. I'm not totally heartless.
We text.
I finally got groceries and can now eat! I think a celebratory wrap is in order for lunch.
- Meds

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

More Postin'

See? Look at me! I'm doing good!

Right now I'm waiting on ice cream/fast food road-trip. But for this to happen, the girl with the vehicle has to be done her homework. It's feeling like a long time. I just really, really want some ice cream.
Since I last said I need groceries, I still haven't gone shopping. It's not that I don't have money. It's that I don't have wheels. It's getting really slim in there. Pretty dry.
I just saw a guy in a bright yellow onezie with ears on it go by the window.
So there you go.
- Meds

Monday, 18 November 2013

Droppin' the Blogger Ball

I'm really sucking at this whole 'post everyday' thing. It's the thought that counts though, right (or lack thereof)?

On Saturday night Jeremy and I put in seven pretty solid hours (maybe six and a half) of homework, and I still felt like I didn't do anything. Then yesterday morning and afternoon I sat on my bed with my work in front of me for three and a half hours. I wrote one definition in that entire time. I don't even know what I was doing! I wasn't on Facebook or Instagram. I think I was literally just sitting there. Ahh well. What're ya gonna do?
I've written two of my five 10-page papers for this month, and another is mostly finished. I'm going to clock in a lot of time today and hopefully get that one polished off as well. I'm pretty thankful that I don't have to pull all-nighters anytime soon, like Jeremy. Poor guy.
I just made myself a cold pasta salad with: sprouted lentils; peas; parmesan oregano dressing; and dried, sprouted quinoa. I'm going to take my sustenance and lock myself in a homework-happy area,then not come out for a long time.

A friend from my program and I went to her house last week and put in a healthy four hours doing a project, and we got it half done. It was videos, so we still have to edit both of our clips, but I think the editing will come pretty easily. It was actually a pretty difficult project to do! We each had to make a 20-30 minute video of us exhibiting our 'active listening skills.' So basically, we were counselling each other for twenty-five minute segments. It was really cool to be in a real-live house again, though. She even had a fireplace. We do have a third partner in our group, but she didn't show up at the meeting place. My friend and I waited around for about twenty minutes, then made an executive decision to ditch so that we could get our stuff done. Don't worry, we'll make sure she gets her video done as well.
I made a new regime for myself, in that I will only buy one jug of milk per week. I can polish off a 2 litre in two days without trouble, and that's just unacceptable. I managed to make it this week with only buying one, but I've been milkless for about five days now. It's rough. I just want some cereal or Mac N' Cheese.
I have to go check the mail, too! I'm waiting for my first ever Ebay purchase! Oh boy, Christmas gift! I think I like giving almost more than I like receiving. Don't get me wrong; receiving is pretty neat as well, but there's something deeply awesome about spending a bunch of time thinking about someone and what they might like to get. I don't know - Maybe I'm just a sucker. But oh boy!!
Last night I went out for pho with Jeremy and some of his family! It was pho'ntastic. Ha. Then afterwards we all went back and had wine, good stories, and heaps of laughs. And there was honey mead! It was basically fantastic. We were all big fans.
Okay - I think that's just about enough from me for now. Get thee to the homeworkery.

- Meds

Thursday, 14 November 2013

No Impact challenge

So I write to you in need for your help. Help in cleaning up your environment, they place which we all live, and making it more sustainable. I'm writing with the assumption that you all do your part in cutting back on carbon within your homes, such as turning off lights when you leave the room, and not heating rooms you are not in them. You should also be cutting back on your driving and trying to eat sustainable foods. Now again this is just an assumption, a dream, something that I wish all of society would be able to do.

But now that it is just a life style why don't you actually take a risk and try this challenge call the No Impact Project. A one-week carbon cleanse that helps to point out the modern conveniences that we all take for granted and see if they are actually things that make you happy or just useless money consuming materials. It can be very easy for some or very challenging for others, but it is something we should all do to get a better understanding of our surroundings, and to fix bad habits we may have. You can sign up through the website or you can just try to do it on your own.

Basically it is one week where each day you add one more challenge. For instance the first one is no money, or no unnecessary purchases. The next day may be to eat sustainable food. By the third day you are spending no money, eating sustainable food, and producing no waste! The list goes on for a week. For people that may struggle with this challenge they can cut corners by giving back to the environment. Such as picking up waste in a school park when you have to drive your car, or doing a favor for your neighbor if you decide to eat out.

It is all within your control. I challenge everyone to take this challenge and to see how it could potentially change your life! By doing this challenge once a month, every month of the year, you are reducing your waste, carbon intake, money, and in general, impact on the environment by 25% a year!

Think about that!

I hope to be reading all your no impact project stories through http://noimpactproject.org/experiment/ !

party on wayne. Luv em

Time To Shred Big White

I am absolutely thrilled to be announcing my departure tomorrow morning for BIG WHITE! My long but not lost love for riding the pow pow will be quenched on Saturday morning at 9 am when they open the lifts for the first time in the 2013/2014 season. Even though I'm 7 hours away this honey badger gives no shits! Carpool, ride share, hitch hike, whatever way it is that's needed to get there I'll be there. Literally up all night to start riding. No sexual innuendos implied. 

party on wayne. 
luv em

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Remembrance Day

The day after Remembrance Day. Em and I were thinking over how we wish the younger generations cared more about stuff like that. I love hearing stories about the war. My granddad was a tail gunner - I think that's pretty darn cool. Jeremy's grandpa (who is still alive), lost his finger in the war! And he used to have to stay up for a week straight on duty! They would take 20 minute sleep breaks while the other would watch, and then they would switch up. They did that for days and days. It's mind boggling, really.
And most of the veterans aren't going to be around for very much longer. Think about it. The world wars are getting farther and farther back in history. It's so sad to imagine that soon we won't have the stories they have to offer; however, if people really started caring, this could be combatted and the stories could be shared.
Anyway. We went out for Mexican food last night because we were jonesing. The debit machine was broken though, so I had to use my credit card. It was a really ghetto, old-school credit machine though. I had to write the amount in by hand. I rounded the price to give a tip, but Em said it was way too low. By then it was too late and I panicked, and the only way to fix the problem was to turn the 0 into a 6. That, my friends, is the way to leave an $8 tip on a $10 meal. Haha! It was fine though. He was a good waiter, and Em and I got a good laugh out of it.
I also think I'm going to figure out how to make pita chips, and then make cinnamon pita chips. I don't typically like cinnamon... but I think I would really enjoy cinnamon pita chips.
One last thing;
I was looking at one of those 'screw you autocorrect' pages this morning, and one of them made me laugh until I had tears running down my face. It was embarrassing, how hard I was laughing. The phrase was 'wawa skittletits.'
See? It's not even that funny.
But man, did I ever laugh for a long time.
- Meds

Monday, 11 November 2013

Natural Hippy to Society forming Hipster

The first step of a good story is understanding the back ground of said story teller. Recently I've been reading past journals written by former me. It helps me see myself during certain emotional battles, or lets me see a change in writing style. I've just recently started reading the entries I wrote not long ago when I was still planting trees and living in a way that would make most city folk cringe. My biggest topic was always - how many trees have I planted today, what was the weather like, what was work like, I'm tired. But then I got to my days off and I started seeing a pattern, I started to re see how I saw it then, work hard and play hard.

I knew how to put in a hard days work and I gave myself a bonus when I was willing to work for it. It was a lifestyle I came to love. Along the way I met people that were both motivating and inspirational. I met people that helped me see the world from a better angle. Not complex, or through some sort of metaphor, but just the way that it came.

on July 6, 2013 I wrote,

And here I am. In what feels like the most beautiful place in the world. By this point I've seen the tourist attractions, I've seen historic buildings, but the one thing that gets me every time--- is this. This beautiful planet with all the things that were here before man even knew about them. Before man could change them.

These are the words that I wrote! Words that really mean something, and the best thought process I can come up with now is...

uuuhhh, did I feed the fish this morning? Did I print off that last assignment?

It bombards me. How could I have lived so simple before, and now I can barely leave my phone alone for a minute. It's society. The people around you. People that you spend the most time with will affect you the most. And hey it's not a bad thing. Just sometimes you have to re learn what you once knew, and make sure you come back to those things that meant a lot to you before. Instead of caring so much about what you look like, start caring about real things that actually make you happy.

party on wayne. Love Em.

Saturday, 2 November 2013


I don't wanna say it's crunch time, but I definitely have three 10 page papers due next week.

I'm almost done the one due for Monday, though! Holler.
Em and I and our homework retreated to the first floor common room, because third was very loud.
I like first floor. They're good people.
- The forever Meds

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

The study process

Feed yourself, study.
get tired? Drink coffee.
Drink too much coffee?

go crazy.

eat, study, coffee, crazy. - the necessities of college. 

Late Night Study Sesh

It's 2:30 in the morning, kiddies. Em and I are pulling a, 'we have midterms tomorrow' study session.
I had a Monster energy drink. It basically didn't do anything. Or maybe it did - I'm still up. I'm fading fast, though.
I wasn't going to post, since Em already did today, but then I realized that it's tomorrow so I can. Or... is it today?

I can't.
It might be bed time.
- Meds

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

A Story

So this one time. I got very hungry before a big dinner my forestry class was throwing, and it was free. But it was an hour away and I needed something to eat, so I had a bowl of cheerios,
then I had another bowl
and another bowl
and another

next thing I know I've eaten 5 bowls of cheerios.

and that's my story

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Yea That's Right, I'm Still Here

Alright, so I'm back to Blogger, and writing strong. I forgot about it for only a few days; no harm done, right?
Did everybody miss my dulcet words?
Probably did.
Today Em and I went downtown to get her a tattoo. Pretty spontaneous of us, to say the least.
Yesterday I was bored and full of cabin fever, so I convinced Em to come on an adventure. We grabbed the trusty boards (we're getting in as much of that as we can before the rainy season) and headed out.
We looked at little kids in costumes trick or treating around the stores in downtown Nanaimo; we ate 'Nanaimo's Best Grilled Cheese,' which wasn't even that great; we scored some free, crappy cake; we booked a tattoo appointment; we ate at some little French café whose staff laughed when I pronounced everything incorrectly ("Soup-duh-jowers, please"); and we also went to the casino! We went in for the hahas, and they gave us a $5 coupon for signing up. We just fooled around for an hour or so on the slot machines until our free money was gone. Em won two bucks. I won a few times, but then I did a machine wrong and spent $3 on one pull.
Alright. I have a paper to write. Two, actually!
-Meds, checking out.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Those people you wish you talked to in highschool

When you wonder what happened to those people you knew in highschool... This beautiful voice belongs to the very talented Haley Blais, which I happened to briefly know back in highschool. It's rather amazing to hear such a painful song (wrecking ball) being sung so beautifully! Haley has over 30 songs on youtube and is continuing to make more; her most recent being House of the Rising Sun /Bills Mashup  which I would strongly suggest listening too. Her music is the kind of tunes which make you stop what you;re doing and actually listen. Although most of her stuff is considered as "covers" it is very evident she puts her own twist onto it and makes what was already great better, and the terrible pop songs into fanfuckingtastic art. 

That is all,
Party on Wayne.

love: EM 

Monday, 21 October 2013

Big Surf Heavens

So this weekend just flew by! So sorry to anyone that might have missed our blogging but Big Surf Beer took us by surprise! Free flat and some sick merch. Friday we were partying it up and the Dill and Stu residence and this girl may have had a bit too much to drink! We had Mickey's too and they are just tons of fun... little riddle on the inside.. who can complain!!! Not this girl. I was also surprised to hear that there may be a job opportunity for me in the Big Surf taster person area. Again, no complaints. 

But again it's time for midterms so I salute to those who do not have to partake in post secondary education or those that have already gotten through it.

Party on Wayne.

Love EM

Thursday, 17 October 2013


Anything I was going to say kind of pales in comparison to those goats. Those are quality.
On a lame note, I've pretty much had a cough since school started, and I'm unbelievably done with it. I made myself sleep till my alarm this morning, and I'm gonna start chugging the aqua. This morning's routine was a multivitamin, Echinacea, vitamin C, oil of oregano, immune system-boosting honey, some Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (that stuff is gold), and a gargle with salt water. Ignoring the cough didn't work. Now I'm gonna kill it.
I have so much homework. Thanksgiving homework choices were not even good decisions.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Now that it is midterms time I find that roaming on the internet seems to be the BEST way to study. I came across a link that brought me to this beautiful page titled :
Goats in Precarious Places. 
This was one of the first photos I found and I thought I would share. HOW DID THEY GET UP THERE!
wow my mind is blown right now.
Link to 13 pictures of crazy goats on cliffs!

that is all

party on wayne
lluuurrrve EM

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Lack of Leftovers

Not to alarm anybody or anything ... but I definitely didn't get any leftovers. Granted, I didn't make my intentions for turkey sammiches known during the meal ordeal, but the fact remains that my fridge is, regrettably, poultry-free.
One of my friend's dads made me pea soup. It isn't turkey... but it is paralyzingly delicious, so I can't complain. I'm so excited to eat it. So far, the three people I've offered to share with (to clear my conscience and also cause I'm just such a nice kid) have admitted that they don't like pea soup. So now it's all mine. No takebacks.
The weekend was wonderful. Seeing the ol' parents was pretty sweet. They're in the process of moving right now though, so it was a little weird seeing the house in boxes. They sold my bed; however, they replaced it with a new bed ten times better. I'd lay down on it and be out in under five minutes. It must have been infused with chloroform (it took them this long to figure that out?! Suckers!).
I got invited to a friend's family dinner on Sunday. The stuffing left nothing to be desired, and so I was happy. In the car on the way back we all passed out, after being picked up from the bus, which we missed our stop on because of turkey-coma and had to back track. There was some creepist on the bus that was chatting up an uncomfortable-looking French woman, and once she got off he turned his buggy eyes on me. Every time I would turn my head, he would try to catch my eye.
Sorry, Igor, not today.
 On Monday Jeremy came around to our dinner! That was really fun. And oh my. That dinner. Imagine a heaping plate of food, half-again, and then two napkins of dessert. Just picture that in your head. That's what I ingested. And then more berry crumble with milk later in the evening. It was delicious. So much food.
I had to resituate my body so I could breathe.
Now I just have a heap of homework that I didn't do or think about all weekend, and I don't even mind. I need to organize all of my clothes that I brought back... and I need to shower.
Juh juh juh, and now on to homework.
- Meds

Monday, 14 October 2013

Midterms and Big Surf

To those of who that are unaware of this fantastic beer called Big Surf, I would like to introduce you.

Followers, meet Big Surf.

Over the weekend I was able to go back home to Kelowna, have some Big Surf on tap, and party my little brains out. The only problem is that now I'm back in Nanaimo, I'm going through post turkey depression. Lack of my favorite beer! Lack of my beautiful dog Simon and lack of my wonderful parents. The best part about it is most definitely the longing midterm. One tomorrow morning and one on Friday. I CAN'T WAIT.
Would you know what this plant is if I did not tell you? Neither would I! And I should know! The luxury of being home to the stress of being home home in Nanaimo... 
I am happy that I did get to spend it with some great friends and travel the ferry with this beautiful outgoing lady Miranda! 

They say your writing should be a part of your heart and a part of your soul. But right now all I can do is think about the snow and how badly I want to be riding on it. 

Party on Wayne.  Em


Friday, 11 October 2013

Headin' Home

Between the waves, seagull calls, and Comin' Home, I can hear the 3:10 ferry calling my name.
Em is already off her ferry and on the way to Kelowna. Jeremy and I jump on, me on my way to White Rock and him for Abbotsford. I won't lie, I'm pretty excited about seeing my home beaches. I mean, yea, we have ocean and a board-walk here in Nanaimo, but it's not home beach. I'm also reasonably excited about Thanksgiving eats. Gotta love that. And leftovers!
Oh, left over turkey sandwiches! Be still my heart!
I can already smell the turkey (actually... turkey usually smells pretty awful at first). Bring on the food. During the meal, I'm not gonna be a pretty sight. Just assuming. I think I'll try to eat enough to sink a small ship. Doable? ... Pssh, who am I kidding?
So doable.
City and Colour is giving me some serious chills right now.
- Meds

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Lack of Sleep But Gettin er dun

finished my chemistry fundimentals project. oh how i hope i'll die before i see another day of chem... I'm supposed to be studying trees, not electromagnetic forces. too much to handle. lack of sleep, lack of food, lack of effort. oh college life how i love theee. bring on the beer.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

The Fight For Cleanliness

One of the (many) setbacks about living in university residence is that we have to pay to do our laundry. The machines are pretty small, too. It's like we're getting a penalty for not stinking.
Fortunately for us, we have friends who have a house off of residence, and they let Em and I come and do our laundry for free. Often times they also give us beer and food. They're double-rewarding us for not stinking, which is totally unnecessary and equally appreciated.
One of the best parts about it is how seriously Em and I want to save $4. We pack up all of our laundry (her in a muddy laundry bag, me in a green plastic garbage bag), and trek for fifteen minutes down one of the busiest streets around before we arrive.
We definitely look the part of university kids. Or a homeless kid, on my part.
All in all though, it's a great excuse to escape off of residence for a while, for lots of reasons! Sanity is one. Sanitation is another (frankly, who knows what's been done on the couches in the common room). Sleep is another! Em is sleeping there tonight because a group of hooligans (which may or may not have included me) were being loud last night past the allowed-loud hour. Instead of karate-chopping us, she's decided to get some zed's elsewhere and in a relatively non-violent way. That's a good thing; fankly, she could totally take me on.
I really need groceries.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Tap Low Representing

After tweeting about Big Surf Beer we were inspired to go on a Monday beer run. Tap Low hits the streets and comes up with yet another great video. We laugh, we cry, we fall, and all for the sake of longboarding.

Sideways for life. Can't wait to get inked.

- Em

Monday Morning's Culinary Experience

They say eggs are brain food, but what if they have no brain to feed?!
- Meds

Sunday, 6 October 2013


So if you were following Meadows last post you would know about our adventures long boarding the other day. We put together a short movie on Nanaimo Longboarding, focusing in on hills, friends, and road rash. Unfortunately blogger wont let me embed the video but I'll attach a link! I hope you all find time to watch. It is worth a laugh, and trust me, you will giggle. 


Saturday, 5 October 2013

Board Day

A sweet thing about the dorm that we live in is how many longboarders there are. There are four of us on the floor alone!
Today Em, Nate, Marty, and I went out for a 'possibly-the-last-sunny-day-of-the-year' board session. It was great. We stayed around campus and actually found some good little routes! We got the GoPro out and filmed some of our antics as well. At one point, the plan was for Marty to go under a parked semi, then me, then Nate.
Marty chickened out as he got there and stood up. He smacked into the semi and sort of tripped off to the side, but his board shot under right into my path. Instead of abandoning me, Marty - with good intentions - dived back under the semi (also in my path) to retrieve his board. I yelled and sort of pushed him out of the way, but my board scooped right underneath his and pushed it along like a bulldozer.
We were going at a decent clip, but somehow I didn't wipe out.
The casualty of the day was the snake that got his head run over. I convinced Nate to put the poor little guy out of his misery, cause when I poked him he was still moving. After a quick skull-crunch and a lot of wincing we were back on our way.
Em and I opted out of going down a cornered hill that was covered in leaves. Hills are fast. Leaves are slippery. Corners are tight.
Marty biffed it. He rubbed his back up real nicely, but he took it like a champ.
After Marty left, the three of us went for one more rip, and after Em and I went down a hill Nate followed. Nate hit a bump under the leaves, and he wiped out hard. We thought his wrist was broken, but he can move it alright now. His elbow, as well. Nice and torn up though!
Em and I also had chocolate bread-toast with peanut butter and chocolate ice cream on top - what?

Friday, 4 October 2013

Thursday Student Night?

On campus and around town, Thursdays are known for the famous "Student Night." Now considering I've only been of age for a couple of weeks it's rather important (for the sake of my well being) to go the pub whenever possible. Tequila is the one to argue with. As a post birthday gift we (meadow and i) decided that thursday was the official Daiquiri Day of the week. 

Anyhow. I'll skip the details and take you strait to the morning. I take it you all know how the alarm works. it goes off, you push the snooze button and next thing you know it's an hour and a half later, 9:30. There was that short moment where I was laying in my bed, fully clothed, hat and all, debating whether or not i should attend my class that started at 9:30. Now for someone in the post tequila state such as myself, it's hard to get motivated to get out of bed. 

Meadow comes strolling into my room, starts packing my breakfast, passing me my books, filling up the water bottle, and next thing you know I'm out the door and now running up 2000 stairs to get to class. its now 9:45 when I pull up to class. I take a peek in and all i see is a dark classroom. There is no one there.At this point I'm under the impression the class may has gone on a field trip and left me behind. So i angrily start walking back to residence.

I get down the the parking lot and I see Marty strolling along. I ask him if he missed the field trip too. He looks at me confused and says:

Class doesn't start until 10:30 today. it's now 10:07 am. Time to start walking back up those 2000 stairs to get to class early.

Kids, tequila is a mysterious lady. Know your limit, play within it.

Party on Wayne. 
Lots of love em

Welcome to Our Blog

Meet Em and Meds.
If you have not already met us on campus, we are now pleased to greet you and welcome you to our blog!
We have come together as bathroom mates and bonded over the past month. From this TP sharing, fun loving, teeth brushing journey, we have decided to share our adventures with the public, and let you all in on what it is we do.
We hope you enjoy these exclusive peeks into our lives.
Party on Wayne.
love: Em and Meds