Tuesday, 31 December 2013


Abbotsford today!

Last night as I was falling asleep, I wondered if the plumber who had come to our house earlier had copied our key and was going to come kill us in the night. I realized it was silly and fell asleep, but when the housing co-op's main gate alarm went off twice in a row and woke me up, it didn't help. The second time I woke up it was only half-waking up, and one of the shadows right in front of my face looked like a face. What a thrill!

Anyway - lately I've been having some weird dreams. I dreamt I was really wanting to date this sea-lion, but I was really nervous about bringing him home, because I thought my parent's wouldn't like him. Then I dreamt that Jeremy and I had to swim around underwater in the Caribbean looking for a lost medallion; I could breathe under water because of a recessive trait on my mum's side, but Jer couldn't and he was really jealous.

Did I mention Abbotsford today?


Sunday, 29 December 2013

Shoulder Qualms

I'm not a baby - but my shoulder has been acting silly lately. I first noticed it during my second watching of the Hobbit. I blame all the muscles I was tensing in the excitement of it all. Anyway, I tried wrapping it with a tensor bandage because I wanted to look more hurt than I really was and run around the house imagining I was in a war or something, but in the end I just cut off the circulation to the rest of my arm, which then turned purple and tingly. 
I was doing a puzzle with my mum just now, but I had to take a break. For one, stretching over the table was hurting my arm, and for another, doing puzzles makes me want to yell and smash stuff more than anything else I do, ever. I hate and love puzzles. I love to hate them.

I go to Jer's for New Year's Eve--but let me just say, the visit feels like way longer than two days away. I don't know if I'll make it till then!
(I'll probably make it)
(no promises)

The starlings have started coming to the little bird feeder that my parents have outside the house in the front yard, and that's not good news. Starlings are rude, loud, and greedy. I've taken it upon myself to make sure they don't come around. At first, we would just open the door really fast and scare them away, but they were getting more ballsy and starting to not care about the door. I saw some starlings, so I gathered my artillery.
I threw open the door and he flew into the trees but stayed there, so I hucked a shoe at him. There was a branch directly in front, lucky for him, but he still flew off pretty quickly. He hasn't been back, either! Hooray for Meadow!

I hung out downtown with a friend yesterday! I spent a gift card I had, and then we just bummed around and people-watched. My phone almost died though, and I didn't really know how to get home. That was exciting. Needless to say I made it, and not even the beedy-eyed, in-my-personal-space, off-tune-guitar-playing-and-singing homeless man could stop me.
I'm the public transit queen.
- Meds

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas Eve!

My friend Daniel and I got in from Calgary on the Greyhound bus at 10:30 PM last night! We boarded the bus at 8:00 AM. It was a long day. By the end we both went a little bit insane, and spent the last two hours of the bus ride changing every song we could think of into 'bus'. Some of these songs included, but were certainly not limited to; 'Don't you wish your bus was hot like mine?' 'I believe in bus... since you came along! You sexy bus!' and, 'do you believe in life after bus?!'
I'm relatively positive everybody on the bus wanted to kill us.

It's Christmas Eve! I'm sporting a toque and some warm boots, and my family and I are about to go buy some more wrapping paper and tape! Then we're coming back to ice some sugar cookies I made, make apple pie, wrap presents in the confines of our own rooms, and watch Christmas movies! Also I think my dad will be fixing our toilet some time during the day.
Tomorrow we're heading to my dad's side of the family for Christmas with them! It's always a fun time.

I'm hungry.
What else is new?
- Meds

Thursday, 12 December 2013


I made it home. After a late night and an early wake up, Jeremy got me onto the 7:45 AM ferry. I passed out face down on the carpet of the boat for most of the ride. When I woke up we were close to the Mainland, so I sat up in my chair to wait it out. Next thing I knew I was waking up once again to the intercom telling all foot passengers to get off of the boat.

Later in the evening I found myself on a bus going to White Rock for a little Christmas party. I passed out on the bus as well, and woke up just in time. After festivities and eating my weight in party food, I got on a different bus and came home. I passed out on that one, too. On the Skytrain I fought sleep as hard as I could, and only nodded off once.

The birds at my parents' new house are very busy. They're outside right now, being greedy with the seed. Pretty cute, too.

Anyway, my back hurts and my tummy is full! I'm about to head out with the parents for a typical Spurr adventure (I.E. getting lost and/or wreaking havoc in a mall).

- Meds